Climate change and its consequences

In the last few years, one has probably not heard a word as often on the subject of the environment and environmental protection as “climate change”. You hear it in school, from politicians, on the news and in documentaries. But what does this term actually mean?

Climate change also affects the existence of all of humanity

The consequences of current climate change are as real and frightening as they are clearly felt by humans. In summer the soil is so dry that the farmers no longer know how to bring in their harvest and on the other hand there are more floods than it has been for a long time. The melting of the glaciers can also be observed more and more. Glaciers are probably the epitome of climate history and the so-called fever thermometer of the earth. The storms are also increasing. As the oceans heat up, more water evaporates, which leads to the formation of more clouds, which also absorb more water due to the higher air temperature. Heat waves and droughts alternate more and more with heavy rainfall. Researchers have been observing this weather and climate behavior for a number of years and are increasingly warning of the consequences of climate change.

More species are threatened with each degree

Climate change has very significant effects on the flora and fauna and our biodiversity. More and more species are classified as "high-risk species" because they are on the verge of extinction. According to the latest reports by a Swiss researcher, the mountain hares are struggling hard in the Alps to find enough shelter and food at their high altitudes. Other animals also have to learn to adapt to new conditions in the shortest possible time in order to ensure their survival, because every further warming has consequences.
In 2018 in particular, we noticed that both bumblebees and bees have been and have been robbed of a lot of their habitat by climate change. The southern border moves further and further north and the northern border hardly changes. Another example are the guillemots, who can no longer find enough fish in the warmer sea. And the best-known example: the polar bear. His living space continues to melt.

Everyone has to pull together!

Water scarcity is also an issue again and again. In recent summers there have been frequent requests to use the water more conscientiously, for example by showering less or for a shorter time, not watering the lawn and also turning off the tap when brushing your teeth. As far as our food is concerned, security is slowly but surely dwindling: if the summers remain as dry as they have been in recent years, or if this condition worsens, future harvests will look very bad.
The floods already mentioned are partly of existential importance for the people.

  • What can I do?

    Informationen schön und gut, aber jetzt willst du aktiv werden? 

  • save water

    Dusche nicht länger als nötig und lasse auch das Wasser beim Zähneputzen nicht laufen. Vielleicht kannst du deine Waschmaschine erst anstellen, wenn sie wirklich voll ist. 

  • light off

    Nutze so oft es geht natürliches Licht und spare somit jede Menge Strom.

    Und natürlich kannst du auch toll Energiesparlampen benutzen. 

  • Leave the car as often as possible

    Vielleicht kannst du auf öffentlichen NAhverkehr oder das Fahrrad umsteigen. Die Umwelt freut sich über jeden Meter den du sparst.

  • Do we want to start together?

    Klimaschutz ist ein Prozess und jede Kleinigkeit, die du änderst unterstützt unseren Planeten. 

    Der ist es wert, oder etwa nicht?

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